Never underestimate the power of nagging. It took several months (and a 1st Mother's Day) to score this puppy...but ever since my Clarisonic entered my life...washing my face has never been the same.
I see you out there, skeptically shaking your head (I'm a mother now...we have eyes EVERYWHERE!) in disbelief that a $225 brush cannot be anything but a a ridiculous waste of money...I solemnly's life-altering.
I do confess...for the most part...I have reasonably good skin. The occasional break-out. But'd never believe that I'm rapidly approaching 33. I'm line-free, and in the battle against the "Elevens", I'm winning the war. That being said...any good general knows how to launch a successful attack against the enemy, and my Clarisonic is the secret weapon.
Coupled with something as innocent as Johnson & Johnson Head-to-Toe Baby Wash, the Clarisonic will deliver an enviable clean. Pair it up with something a little more "potent" (read: a glycolic or lactic acid to deliver the one-two punch of chemical and manufal exfoliant) and it's awe-inspiring. As a result of a more "prepared" surface, any treatment product that I put on after I wash is more effective. My dry patches in the winter that only respond to my Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate stay hydrated for longer. The two pumps of my foundation are reduced to one. Your lips are chapped - give them a little brush and slather on the lip balm. You're wearing a strapless dress and want to give your arms and back a deep clean...use the Body Brush. Then there are the days that I don't need to wear any makeup at all, because my skin is just even.
There are caveats. The brush feels so good when you use it (especially in that horrible space on the sides of your nose that always itches and gets irritated when you have a cold) that it is very tempting to use the brush 2x in a row. For the sake of your skin...don't. Too much of a good thing is just too much. As much as I love my Clarisonic, our relationship thrives because we don't see each other all the time. I have to repeat - you can absolutely over-exfoliate. And the most important rule of the Clarisonic. Don't use a manual exfoliant on your face with the brush. You'll really irritate your skin (again, I'm a mother now...I'm constantly giving instruction!) and then you'll be back at square one - with unhappy skin!
But should you find yourself with a milestone event coming up...birthday, holiday, Saturday...try spending some time with a Clarisonic. It's incredible.
image of Clarisonic brush taken from
7 months ago
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