Tuesday, January 30, 2007

IS Fabulous

Flashback to October 2006. Traveling through California with my husband and we FINALLY arrive in LA. The long drive from San Fransisco to LA had definitely created a precarious situation with my complexion (or so it appeared in the magnifying mirrors in the hotel). We stumble down Robertson Blvd. in West Hollywood and into a little boutique called Kalologie. It's apparently some super posh spa/skincare store. They're having this event for a line called IS Clinical and pushing this product called "Active Serum". I'll admit that I was kinda sold the second they told me that Halle Berry is a devoted user of the line. But when the sales rep told me that it was an anti-acnegenic, anti-aging, and lightening agent, I was definitely hooked. All you need is 1 dropperful of the Serum and you put it on your entire face. You get this awesome warm tingly sensation about 20 seconds after you put it on and it feels like it is totally reshaping your complexion. IS Clinicial - I IS hooked!

It's easy to find online, but most websites will not ship it without speaking with you first. It's worth the phone call (and the $120)!

(image taken from www.isclinical.com)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes...oh yes. I did a post a while back called the pimple that disappeared overnight because that is EXACTLY what it did. Amazing stuff.